Jun 8, 2016 | Blog, Book Reviews
Book Review: Written in Red by Anne Bishop Written in Red by Anne Bishop is a completely unique world that has stunned me with curiosity. I can almost hear Princess Jasmine singing a “Whole New World” with this novel. She created a world where her characters would...
May 17, 2016 | Blog, Book Reviews
The Air He Breathes by Brittainy C. Cherry I’ve always read books that have a great story but with not so good ending, but this time I think I finally found my happy ending! In my Book Review: The Air He Breathe by Brittainy Cherry, you’ll be meeting two hearts...
May 6, 2016 | Blog, Book Reviews
Book Review: Forever Kinda Love by Clara Stone I’ve got a love and hate relationship with this book. Though I can never deny that I instantly got hooked by the story. Ace and Heath shared the most awesome past, I love that their connection is deep and...
May 5, 2016 | Anticipated Books, Blog, Book Recommendations
Looking for a great new read to complete your TBR list this May? From good movies and a much awaited finale of a series, May is definitely a good month to cozy up and snuggle with a good book. Check out our curated highly anticipated books in May 2016. The Last Star...