As we all know, a tattoo is a perfect way of expressing ourselves artistically for a lifetime and having to brand yourself as a proud book lover, choosing a design or famous quotes from your favorite book would do its magic. So, what do you think are the perfect tattoo designs for book lovers?
I came from a conservative family and I have a very conservative Dad, when I was younger I really wanted to have a tattoo, but I was never allowed to do so. The reason is that he believes that if I have a tattoo I won’t be allowed to donate blood anymore… for a certain time.
He stated that “What if…” someone close to me needed it? I’ll spend the rest of my life regretting that I wasn’t able to help out.
I do agree with him, and more importantly, I respected that decision not only because he is my father, but also I understand his reason.
As an obedient daughter, I didn’t pursue having a tattoo. Maybe it’s also because I didn’t want it that bad and love my inked free skin that much. But that doesn’t stop me from admiring those pretty tattoo designs that promote reading.
Agreeing to “not having a tattoo” doesn’t stop me from admiring those book lover inspired tattoos and there are so many pretty ones out there that I can only dream about having on my skin.
As an example, I saw this video on Facebook and this back reveal is really stunning and has a great impact on me. Why? well because it really felt like I look like the girl on the tattoo. Several of my friends told me so too after sharing the video. Weird right? ( No, I’m not showing you my picture… lol)
Anyway, you can find the image of the video on the right, I can’t embed the video here for some reason I don’t know… gorgeous, isn’t it? I think it perfectly fits every bookworm out there who adore books all the time.
As for our “Let’s talk, Thursday” question:

My answer would be George R.R Martin’s quote…If you could get any quote tattooed on your body, what would it be?
A readers lived a thousand lives before he dies, a man who never reads lives only once.Well, not exactly that quote but the rephrased one. I relate to this quote because I fully enjoy being “abducted” by the books I’m reading. Whenever I read, it feels like I’m living there… like jumping inside and breathing and re-living the words.
I lived a thousand lives.
If given the chance… and the courage to have my skin inked… I’ll choose both of the tattoos I featured here. What about you? What’s your ideal quote tattoo?